Robotics and Technical Networks



IF-IS ROB 01 Network Simulation and Modeling

IF-IS ROB 02 Hands-On Wireless Sensor Networks

IF-IS ROB 03 Microcontroller Programming with Arduino


Network Simulation and Modeling


Dr. Anna Förster

SUPSI Lugano, Schweiz

Mi 28.8. 11.00-12.30 Uhr
Do 29.8. 09.00-12.30 und 14.00-15.30 Uhr
Fr 30.8. 09.00-12.30 und 14.00-15.30 Uhr

Target Group:

Prerequisites: experience in programming with C/C++

Requirements: email exchange before, exercises during and assignments after the summer university

Participants: 12

Credit Points (ECTS): with assginment 1

Modul acceptance in Uni Bremen: (General Studies VAK) META-2013/IF-IS.2013.ROB.01

(Digital Media VAK) 03-B-UN-2/IF-IS.2013.ROB.01 (Freie Wahl); auf Antrag wählbar für Master

(Informatik VAK) 03-BU-2/IF-IS.2013.ROB.01 (Freie Wahl); auf Antrag wählbar für Master

(Produktionstechnik) anerkannt im Modul General Studies

There exist many different networks: telecommunication networks, social networks, biological networks, etc. The study and better understanding of such networks is currently a very active research topic in many different scientific disciplines and requires, among others, the modeling and simulation of very large and complex systems. In this course, we will cover the most important foundations of network modeling and simulation. We will use the simulation tool OMNeT++ to learn how to design and model large and complex network simulations and how to evaluate their results.

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Hands-On Wireless Sensor Networks


Kamini Garg

SUPSI Lugano, Schweiz

Mo 2.9. 11.00-12.30 und 14.00-16.30 Uhr
Di 3.9. 09.00-12.30 und 14.00-16.30 Uhr
Mi 4.9. 09.00-10.30 Uhr

Target Group: students

Prerequisites: Programming Experience preferably C/C++

Requirements: email exchange before, exercises during and assignments after the summer university

Participants: 12

Credit Points (ECTS): with assignment 1

Modul acceptance in Uni Bremen: (General Studies VAK) META-2013/IF-IS.2013.ROB.02

(Digital Media VAK) 03-B-UN-2/IF-IS.2013.ROB.02 (Freie Wahl); auf Antrag wählbar für Master

(Informatik VAK) 03-BU-2/IF-IS.2013.ROB.02(Freie Wahl); auf Antrag wählbar für Master

(Produktionstechnik) anerkannt im Modul General Studies

Wireless sensor nodes are tiny embedded devices, which are able to sense various parameters of their direct environment, such as temperature, light or humidity. They self-organize into a communication network to pre-process the gathered data and to transmit it to a final processing station. In this course, we will cover the most important theoretical foundations. We will work with some of the most widely applied sensor nodes. The goal of this course is to develop our own sensor network application, tailored to the interests and abilities of the participants. We will be using real sensor nodes called TelosB and TinyOS operating system.

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Microcontroller Programming with Arduino


Prof. Dr. Barbara Kleinen

HTW Berlin

Mi 28.8. 11.00-12.30 Uhr
Do 29.8. 09.00-12.30 und 14.00-15.30 Uhr
Fr 30.8. 09.00-12.30 und 14.00-15.30 Uhr

Target Group: students, especially from computer science, and practitioner

Prerequisites: basic knowledge of software engineering, software installation on own computer, handling commando line. Own laptop with installation rights and system know-how necessary.

Requirements: email exchange, literature studies and installation of Arduino software before, exercises during and assignments after the summer university

Participants: 10

Credit Points (ECTS): with assignment 1

Modul acceptance in Uni Bremen: (General Studies VAK) META-2013/IF-IS.2013.ROB.03

(Digital Media VAK) 03-B-UN-2/IF-IS.2013.ROB.03 (Freie Wahl); auf Antrag wählbar für Master

(Informatik VAK) 03-BU-2/IF-IS.2013.ROB.03 (Freie Wahl); auf Antrag wählbar für Master

(Produktionstechnik) anerkannt im Modul General Studies

Arduino is an Open-Source Hardware Prototyping Platform, with a comprehensive documentation and lots of example projects and extensions available.
Based on a simple 12LED-Shield with one or two buttons, we will explore microprocessor programming with little example projects.

Arduinos with shields are available in Bremen, but you are also invited to bring your own.

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