2nd Women MINT Slam




presented by

"Komm, mach MINT." – Nationaler Pakt für Frauen in MINT-Berufen



Wednesday, 22nd of August 2012


7 p.m.

Building MZH, Room 1380/1400 (Senatssaal) - 1st Floor,
Bibliothekstraße on the central campus of Bremen University


from 13.00-18.00 Uhr the JobForum and talks are presented in the same building

from 18.00 Uhr a reception with buffet lunch is following


Target Group: open

Prerequisites: none, the participants will be assisted during preparation by the team of „Komm, mach MINT“

After the successful launch of the 1st Women MINT-Slam at the summer universities in 2011, the 2nd Women MINT-Slam will be at the summer universities of this year. The Women MINT-Slam is like his idol, the Poetry Slam, a competition in recitation. The special feature at Women MINT-Slam is: only women present their results from the (STEM-)field. Instead of presenting self-written texts, participants will present their own MINT-daily business or self-generated research results entertainingly. The audience will also form the jury, that determines who will be crowned at the end of the day as Women MINT-Slam winner in the category of "students" or "professionals". For all participants there will be great prizes andvaluable experience in presenting their own work areas.

The first Women MINT-Slam was documented as a film and is shown on the website of "Komm, mach MINT”.


"Komm, mach MINT." - der Nationale Pakt für Frauen in MINT-Berufen zwischen Politik, Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft und Medien soll das Bild der MINT-Berufe in der Gesellschaft verändern, junge Frauen für naturwissenschaftliche und technische Studiengänge begeistern sowie Hochschulabsolventinnen für Karrieren in der Wirtschaft gewinnen. "Komm, mach MINT." ist Bestandteil der Qualifizierungsinitiative der Bundesregierung "Aufstieg durch Bildung". Die Geschäftsstelle des Pakts ist angesiedelt im Kompetenzzentrum-Technik-Diversity-Chancengleich e.V. – www.komm-mach-mint.de

